Legal Notices


Siret : 821 678 596 R.C.S. Lille Métropole

Headquarters :
29 bis rue de la Gare
59134 Beaucamps-Ligny
Tel. : 06 44 66 00 84
Email : 

Name and position of the person in charge :
Anthony Lefebvre, manager

Publication manager :
Anthony Lefebvre

This website is hosted by the company :
OVH, 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 ROUBAIX
Tel. : 0 820 698 765

Personal data
According to the Data Protection Act of January 6
th, 1978 (amended in 2004), you have at any time a right of access to and rectification of all of your personal data by contacting us at : contact@

This website is the property of the company SASU MATHUGS. The purpose of the website is to provide informations about the company SASU MATHUGS's business and services.

The content of : text, photos, images, graphics and any other component of this website remain the exclusive property of SASU MATHUGS and are protected by copyright. Total or partial reproduction of this website without approval of the author is illegal. Consultation of the website SASU MATHUGS implies full acceptance of these terms of use.